Pagi tadi sempat ke Feri Samarahan..bos suruh ambik gambar staff gotong-royong..tak tau untuk tujuan apa...maybe untuk persiapan latihan Regatta. ehehehe...di tengah kesibukan mereka saya sempat mengambil beberapa shot untuk tontonan anda..rupanya cantik gak samarahan nie...ahaks~
Any riverbank would be a good sight coz u can see water, land, and feel the wind and start a fire by the riverbank. So all the 4 elements make things beautiful. We are the 5th element that is lifeform.. hehe.. Mcm cerita "The fifth element" jak..
i was there using the ferry services there once
good memory!!!
just stopping by!!!
bet say/: =)
nak pegi pancing ke? he he
kerapu..ada ikan ka smarahan river? hehehe..datang la...
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